Signs of the Swarm IWONTLETYOUDIE (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO) The new single is out now: Grab the exclusive merch from: Catch Signs of the Swarm on the DECADE OF THE SWARM Tour with CANE HILL, OV SULFUR, 156, SILENCE and A WAKE IN PROVIDENCE from now until September 28, then coheadlining the Pins Knuckles Merch Faces of Death Tour with VEIL OF MAYA, as well as VARIALS and TO THE GRAVE. Tickets at 9, 17 Mesa, AZ Nile Theater 9, 18 Albuquerque, NM Launchpad 9, 19 Lubbock, TX Jakes 9, 20 Dallas, TX South Side Music Hall 9, 21 Austin, TX Come and Take It Live 9, 22 Houston, TX Scout Bar 9, 24 Atlanta, GA The Masquerade (Hell) 9, 25 Greensboro, NC Hangar 1819 9, 26 Philadelphia, PA Underground Arts 9, 27 Pittsburgh, PA Preserving 9, 28 Lakewood, OH The Winchester 2