Dylan Brenda, Before You Go
okguys. watch in HD pls. quality is not that good cause u know, old Please, pretend the end of the video doesn t exist. I feel like the first seconds are good and after But, let me introduce you my number two. Dylan Brenda, right just after Nathan Haley. I started 90210 in 2016 and i completely fell in love with these two. I m living for the good girl, bad boy stories yeah. Dylan is, to me, an iconic character, he s one of my favorites and i really love how the two go so well together. I never finished it (i will, for sure) because ugh by the end, too many characters leave (dylan for example). The two don t even end up together, which is a shame lol. No seriously, for me, Dylan and Brenda were made for each other. The story with Kelly is useless, + c mon there was clearly no chemistry between her and dylan and even luke perry says it : team brenda. Anywayyyy, i hope that even though many people may not know this show, you still like my video. coloring : autumntutorials all