KALTBLUT 2019 Once I Was Naive Linnnn x Seri Lee
2019 Once I Was Naive Exclusive for Kaltblutmagazine. Once I saw life through the pure eyes of one who is learning. Now, looking back through jaded eyes, I see that experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes. Dir, Fashion: Seri Lee serileecreates Ph: Linnnn Video: WonJun Jo trashmaker Music: PCMN pcmn Md: Seunghwa Noh shnohboi Represented by Garten Agency Korea Hair: Junho Ma mahair7 Mua: Dohyun Kim 1031top Fashion: Caroline Ereznik carolinereznik Demoo parkchoonmoo Haluminous haluminousofficial Hanna Hriley hannahrileydesigns H M Lydia Foord Minimanimo minimanimoofficial Oddcollet Shonajoy Slee the label sleelabel SS. IL