Skyward, Critical Role: VOX MACHINA, Episode 15
Catch Critical Role live Thursdays at 7PM PT on Twitch: Listen to the Critical Role podcast: The party finishes their necessary purchases within the city of Emon in preparation for their journey. With the arrival of the Envoys of Bahamut, and the holy container in which to transport the evil Horn of Orcus, Vox Machina is given permission to embark on a Skyship to cross the Ozmit Sea toward he distant city of Vasselheim. As they traverse the expansive ocean, the ship is suddenly under siege by a band of wyvern and griffinriding bandits, tossing the deckhands over board to their deaths. The party enters the fray, defending the Skyship, and even taking a prisoner in the process. With the battle over, and the artifact still safe, the party prepares for their arrival in a strange, foreign See episodes early at Thanks to CRTranscript and all the, critters for closed captions Concept Artwork for The Silver Le