Freya, weck die Toten Modern German folk song + English translation
In Norse mythology, Freyja (, ˈfreɪə, ; Old Norse for (the) Lady ) is a goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, seiðr, war, and death. Freyja is the owner of the necklace Brísingamen, rides a chariot pulled by two cats, is accompanied by the boar Hildisvíni, and possesses a cloak of falcon feathers. By her husband Óðr, she is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and Gersemi. Along with her brother Freyr, her father Njörðr, and her mother (Njörðr s sister, unnamed in sources), she is a member of the Vanir. Stemming from Old Norse Freyja, modern forms of the name include Freya, Freyia, and Freja. Disclaimer: All videos are apolitical and this channel is against any form of extremism or hatespeech SUPPORT Kofi: http: