GUMI The Reason I Stopped NND Broadcasting Original sm26152897
Video Description Hello, Takkyuu Shounen here. It s been 5 years since I wrote this years, and so much has happened since. I ve met lots of friends, and lots of my friends have quit NicoNico. 別にニコニコをやめたって会えるけどさ話せるけどさ It s just sad when your friends stop all activity, so talk about it beforehand With that feeling in mind, I wrote this. Video encoding (thank you for always) Silvesanmylist, 13848437twittersilvesa Everything else (I don t actually feel like quitting broadcasting) Takkyuu Shounenmylist, 23062553twittertakkyuusco83422 Normal orchestral, +3, +5 off vocal Paradata You re welcome to use this for noncommercial purposes