Phantom of the Opera Maya Gamzu Stanislas Vitort
Maya Gamzu (Christine) and Stanislas Vitort (Phantom) duet in this version of the titular number from Andrew Lloyd Webber s Phantom of The Opera. This video was made by my parents ))) for 2020 Year End Online Concert of Star School Academy. Sometimes the results of the new quarantine reality are absolutely unexpected. Team work breaks into home life and not just as a buzzword. And finally even such an office rat like my dad gets to be called director and videographer ))) Video production: Sergei Gamzu Vocal teacher Voice recording: Stanislas Vitort (Star School Academy) , phantomoftheopera, ,andrewlloydwebber, ,cover, ,video, ,stanislasvitort, ,starschoolacademy, ,starschool, ,mayagamzu, ,coverphantomoftheopera, ,duet