V Cut Abdominal Workout for Ripped Obliques
The oblique muscles run along the sides of your stomach and are an important piece of the corestability puzzle. If your obliques are weak or just not working as well as they should, it can cause other areas to compensate (like your lower back) when you re twisting or turning your body. The workout helps with rotation to work into obliques, so that you have the ability to rotate with ease. Oftentimes, lowerback issues come from rotating the torso incorrectly. This workout helps improve spinal rotation and stabilization. , absworkout, absworkout, obliqueworkout, absworkouts 0:00 lying knee twist 0:55 Twisting Crunches 1:45 Heel Touches 2:40 Russian Twist 3:30 Leg Lifts (L) 4:13 Leg Lifts (R) 5:04 Spiderman Pushups 5:59 Plank Knee Twist 6:49 Oblique Crunch (R) 7:32 Oblique Crunch (L) 8:22 Hip Twist 9:18 Oblique high knees 10:08 Wipers 11:03 Rest What workout works best obliques What exercises can you do for oblique Why you shouldn, 39