Linked genes: CIS vs TRANS Configuration
When both the recessive or the dominant alleles for two traits are on the same chromosome, it is called the cis phase. However, when a recessive and dominant allele for the different traits are on the same chromosome, we call it the trans phase. , Genetics, DNA, CIS, TRANS, NikolaysGeneticsLessons, crossingOver, synapsis, linkedGenes, geneticRecombination, crossingOverInMeiosisI, crossingOverOfChromosomes, homologousChromosomes, nonsisterChromatids, sisterChromatids, mendelianGenetics, chromosomalCrossover, Genes, fruitFlyGenetics, vestigialWings, normalWings, geneticsInFruitFlies, punnettSquares, chromosomes, xChromosome, yChromosome, recessive, Dominant, Genotype, phenotype, traits, Biology