Tutorial: Colour with Peta. Paris using Inktense Pencils. Part 1
Welcome to the next multi part colour along. This time we ll be colouring Paris in Lizzie Mary Cullen s The Magical City and we ll be colouring it using Inktense pencils In this three part tutorial I will guide you through all the colours and techniques I use to complete the picture so that you can colour along with me. The pencils I use in this episode are: Payne s grey and violet for the swirls. Sun yellow, sicilian yellow and either iris blue or light phthalo blue in Faber castell Albrecht Durer watercolour pencils. Iron blue for the clouds. Golden yellow for the stars. Bright blue for the bubbles. Sherbert lemon, spring green and bright blue for the leaves. Iron green and shiraz for the background foliage. Saddle brown and baked earth for the branches. This video turned out to be a bit longer than we anticipated so we took a bit longer getting it prepared. For more information and general colouring fun please visit