ASMR, Welcome to the Black Parade, My Chemical Romance
Go to and try Audible for FREE for 30 days Or text GIBI to 500500 Thank you so much Audible for sponsoring today s video :) OHHHH BABYYYY this was the video that almost never was. .. I was CRACKING UP, DYING at how freaking cringe I made this script I am SO SORRY but to be honest, I literally couldn t have fit any more references into the video. This is definitely FULLY CATERED toward My Chemical Romance if you know all their lyrics, songs this video is quite silly, lighthearted. If you are very UNFAMILIAR with Well. . I am so sorry LOL Timestamps: 0:00 Audible 2:38 Intro, Warning 3:33 Video start. ... ok thats it, huh LOL Huge award to anyone who can catch all the references; ) MCR if u watch i love u I really did win a signed MCR guitar HAHA I made a comic out of my cosplay photos. .. it was my biggest accomplishment in New Spotify tracks every Friday And Apple Music