Fantasy Beach House Minecraft Build Process
The first sight of those who arrive at the village s beaches becomes unique, and the immense blue horizon takes over the windows of those who rest Please like and subscribe if you like it Click on the bell to get all the notifications Follow me on Instagram: Minecraft Version: 1. 18. 2 Shaders: BSL 8. 1 Resource Pack: Faithful Material List: Deepslate Bricks x 170 Deepslate Brick Stairs x 90 Deepslate Brick Slab x 96 Deepslate Brick Wall x 32 Cobbled Deepslate x 98 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs x 62 Spruce Planks x 312 Stripped Spruce Log x 317 Spruce Stairs x 124 Spruce Slab x 40 Spruce Fence x 38 Spruce Fence Gate x 51 Spruce Trapdoor x 198 Spruce Sign x 28 Spruce Button x 30 Oak Planks x 408 Dark Oak Planks x 170 Dark Oak Stairs x 114 Dark Oak Slab x 121 Dark Oak Fence x 20 Dark Oak Fence Gate x 45 Lantern x 22 Chai