Who We Want to Be (relaxing piano music calm, peaceful, hopeful, reflect, respect, be human)
Not just another calm and relaxing piano session. As you might know, usually I say my music is to focus or to study better, a soundtrack for mind work, for designing the world of today and tomorrow, for reflecting, coding, getting things done, in the evening when winding down for a healthy sleep, or just to relax and enjoy. This time its true, too, but there is more. Title: Who We Want to Be, Type: original fantasia piano music session Last week has been a difficult one for me. To watch a bird eat another one alive brutally is hard to digest. Seems to be part of nature s code though. To watch a human society do this to another is terrifying. What happens in Eastern Europe right now tests us a lot, teaches a lot, hurts a lot. Sitting here in the colors of the oceans and the sun, or the blue sky and yellow wheat fields if you will, I dedicate the music to the People of Ukraine, including anyone touched by the brutality taking place in their land currently, as well as to all humans an br, br,