Donna Haraway, Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene: Staying with the Trouble , 5, 9, 14
Sympoiesis, not autopoiesis, threads the string figure game played by Terran critters. Always manystranded, SF is spun from science fact, speculative fabulation, science fiction, and, in French, soin de ficelles (care of, for the threads). The sciences of the mid20thcentury new evolutionary synthesis shaped approaches to humaninduced mass extinctions and reworldings later named the Anthropocene. Rooted in units and relations, especially competitive relations, these sciences have a hard time with three key biological domains: embryology and development, symbiosis and collaborative entanglements, and the vast worlds of microbes. Approaches tuned to multispecies becoming with better sustain us in staying with the trouble on Terra. An emerging new new synthesis in transdisciplinary biologies and arts proposes string figures tying together human and nonhuman ecologies, evolution, development, history, technology, and more.