Warmachine Stop Motion battle report vol III
This video was in the making for far too long, but now it s up This is a stop motion video battle report of Warmachine Hordes, miniatures game by Privateer Press. Point size is as much as 25. The game was played on digital platform called Vassal. Participants were me, Pseudok (as Cryx) and a friend HePromisedICanGiveAnyNameIWantToSoIWantedToUseMyPowersResponsiblyEnough (as Skorne). Later I reconstructed the game as a stop motion animation from screen captures. As a result, the distances are relative. Warwitch Siren was kind of forgotten to deploy (by me) in case someone wonders her. If I do more of these, they really need to be preplayed like this was, because you can improve the quality of the video so gosh darn lot. You can t realistically expect anyone to play a 25 point game for 810 hours and have fun with it. All sound effects are public domain sounds from edited by me where needed with Audacity. Other software I used: AnimatorHD VSDC Video Editor