Paul Mc Cartney Wings My Love ( Official Music Video, Remastered)
The official promo for Wings new single My Love. There are four variations for this promo. The first promo, which is the most common one which has a live lead vocal from Paul. The second version has the studio vocal and was reportedly edited by Toshiba in Japan. This has some slightly different edits. The third version also uses the studio version audio and was made for European promotion again with slightly different edits. In 2007 Paul issued the promo on his McCartney Years DVD collection which has slightly different edits compared to the original promo. This version was heavily cropped for widescreen. In 2018 a new edit but using the original live vocal was put together for Pauls Red Rose Speedway Archives Collection box set DVD. The promo was possibly originally first broadcast on the French TV program Top a Michel Sardou on May 26, 1973. But seeing as the single was released in late March surely the promo was filmed and broadcast somewhere by mid April (possibly Japan or America) It may never