Space Engineers Interior Design, Small Ship Gone Large
After us taking a look at so many amazing ships over the last few weeks, a question that keeps popping up is about designing an interior for a small ship. Lets have a look around victor to help feed are creativity. Mod list. DoorMod By UncleSte Eikesters Decorations and more Part I Eikesters Decorations and more Part II Animated LCARS (Warp status) Animated Lcars (control status) Modified Homeworld 2 Sarum Skybox (GridAligned) Armor Ramps By UncleSte Industrial Thruster (Sage) Small Ship Mega Mod Pack Survival Mode Playlist: Join my space engineers empire engineers, Oh and our Facebook page: Levitating Gamers Channel Space Engineer is like a mixture between Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. The main purpose of the game seems to be building a space fleet and fight, ally with the other factions. You build your ships piece by piece and the only know limit for the size of your ship is what you computer can handle.