LISA: The Pointless Scholar of the Wilbur Sin Edition ( RELEASE TRAILER)
A mod of LISA: The Pointless made as a loveletter to the game and its world. Scholar of the Wilbur Sin is an expansion mod that adds new content to every inch of the original adventure. There are new foes to face, new areas to discover, new items to trade, and new stories to enjoy. Recruit three brand new party members on your quest to traverse the wasteland and find a better place. NOTE: Scholar of the Wilbur Sin is not made by Edvinas Kandrotas, though it is supported by him. This mod is not affiliated in any way with the Monster Update for the official LISA: The Pointless, and of course, no affiliation is had with Austin Jorgenson, the creator of the LISA series. SotWS was created as a passion project by willing participants, and all contributions to the game were appreciated greatly. Trailer by the excellent T bothy. Track is Our Hammer by A Scary Lemon. DOWNLOAD HERE: