Anti Wrinkle remedy for facial rejuvenation. DIY natural tonic ( Hydrolat)
In this video I will show you how to make a natural face tonic that can rejuvenate, moisturize and refresh your skin. I will tell you what hydrolat is, what is the use of hydrolat, what it consists of and how to use it. But the most interesting thing that awaits you is a recipe for hydrolat, which you can cook with your own hands at home. I will tell you what to make a hydrolat to get rid of wrinkles on the face. What hydrolat will help with acne. Which face bio tonic is suitable for oily skin. More of my videos that could be interesting: How to increase SKIN FIRMNESS without INJECTIONS. Face lift at home DO NOT DO THIS EVER DANGEROUS AND SAFE NECK EXERCISES. GYMNASTICS FOR THE NECK HONEY FACE MASSAGE. FAST FACE REJUVENATION, HOW TO REMOVE PIGMENTAL SPOTS AND ACNE SCARS HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES AT 10 MINUTES A DAY. FACE LIFTING. MASSAGE + FACE MASK H