Blood Orange: Tiny Desk Concert
This Blood Orange Tiny Desk is a beautifully conceived concert showing off the craft and care that has made Devonté Hynes a groundbreaking producer and songwriter. It s a distillation of themes found on Dev Hynes fourth album as Blood Orange, titled Negro Swan. Themes of identity, both sexual and racial, through the eyes of a black East Londoner (now living in New York) run through this album and concert. Dev Hynes is a composer who fits as comfortably in the worlds of R B, gospel and electronics as he does in the classical world of someone like Philip Glass. The opening song at the Tiny Desk, By Ourselves, features Dev Hynes on piano, Jason Arce on saxophone, Eva Tolkin and Ian Isiah on vocals along with a powerful spoken word performance by Ashlee Haze. Ashlee s story is a tale of finding herself and her identity in the words and music of Missy Elliott when she was, in Ashlee s own words, an eightyear old, fat black girl from Chicago who discovered she could dance until she felt pretty and be a w