The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 OIL
Oil was in desperately short supply for the Axis powers in WW2. One historian describes it as The First War for Oil such was the severity of the shortage. Oil was probably the biggest factor that Germany lost world war 2, and it explains many of the previous reasons why the German Wehrmacht fought the way it did. Please see the pinned comment in the comment section for more information, including timestamps, links, additional notes, and the sources, biography I used. Special mention goes to Richard Stokes for providing several articles for this topic. Thank you Richard Don t forget to subscribe if you like history or gaming And hit the little bell icon to be notified when videos like this are uploaded. Please consider supporting me on Patreon and help make more videos like this possible As a follow up to this video, I highly recommend the Toprani video Oil and Grand Strategy: Great Britain and Germany, 19181941 which can be found here