Snakes of Peru, 5 species from the Amazon rainforest, anaconda, aquatic coral snake and more
BUY YOUR LIVING ZOOLOGY MERCHANDISE HERE: BECOME A MEMBER Peru is home to many amazing snakes Most people are excited about anacondas, bushmasters or coral snakes, but there are many more We filmed 20 snake species during our first trip to South America. The highest snake diversity is in the Amazon rainforest, but some cool snakes live also in Pacific deserts of Peru. In each episode we will show you 5 species. Episode 2 SNAKE SPECIES, AMAZON RAINFOREST Green anaconda (Eunectes murinus) Aquatic coral snake (Micrurus surinamensis) Common whipsnake (Chironius exoletus) Blackskinned parrot snake (Leptophis ahaetulla nigromarginatus) Ornate snaileater (Dipsas catesbyi)