Best Rare Rockabilly 50s Vol. 2
00:00 Moon Mullins His Night Raiders Bip Bop Boom 01:36 Bobby Poe and The PoeCats Rock Roll Record Girl 03:45 Rich Roman (Truly, Truly Baby) 05:33 Wesley Reynolds Trip To The Moon 07:32 Jackie Fanthree First on Mars 09:42 The Jet Tones Twangy 12:05 The RockATeers You Gotta Have A Duck Tail 14:30 Jackie Blanchard The King O Hearts 16:25 Buzz Clifford Pididdle (The Car With One Light) 18:38 Bobby Gay Lets Dance 20:33 The Blazers Sweet Linda Brown 22:20 Ross Minimi Baby Rock 24:44 15 The Emanons Emanons Rock 26:52 The Reverend Horton Heat Lights Out 29:09 The Rhythm Rockets Lucky Day 31:38 Howard Crockett Trudy Brown 33:17 Don s Rockers You re Just Right For Me 35:34 Buzz Clifford Moving Day 37:40 Bob The Rockabillies Baby Why Did You Have To Go 40:10 Dennies Wayne Teen Age Boogie 42:28 Howard Crockett If Youll Let Me 44:37 Ersel Hickey