Learn To Draw A Cute Cow Easy DIY Tutorial
, cow, bull, simpleart Draw a СUTE COW with our simple drawing video in 5 minutes. Do it yourself The cow is the most common type of large domestic animals. Cows provide us with milk. Dairy cows provide 90 of the world s milk supply. The best cows give over 25 gallons of milk each day. That s 400 glasses of milk Amazing, isn t it Also, Cows eat around 40 pounds of food a day and have incredible digestion with 4 digestive compartments. This is an easy video ART LESSON for beginners for creating a colourful cow. This drawing lesson is very simple for everyone who likes to draw Enjoy TIMESTAMPS: 0:04 Drawing an outline with a black marker or felt tip pen 2:05 Painting with pencils of all colours 4:40 Your cow is ready You can give this amazing picture to your best friend SUBSCRIBE to our channel here: