Theme from Schindlers List Piano by Sangah Noona
Theme from Schindler s List Piano solo performed by Sangah Noona with improvisation. Don t miss out Be sure to Subscribe and click the bell icon to be notified when I go LIVE or upload new videos Got questions Join in my Q A livestream on Twitch Check out my streaming schedule and links below: LIVESTREAM SCHEDULE FRI SAT 8:00PM Eastern YouTube 10:00PM Eastern Twitch P R A I S E W I T H S A N G A H S A N G A H S M E R C H S A N G A H S A L B U M (Amazon, Spotify, and iTunes) The Beatles Piano Cover, Vol. 1 Real Piano Vol. 1 (Purely Improvised Piano) Dear Brazil, (Only Jobim) S A N G A H S P I A N O Shigeru Kawai SK6 7 Orchestra Grand S A N G A H S G E A R Neumann U 87 AI MT 2x Austrian Audio OC818