Will any of these Vargurs finally die EVE Online, Vargur POV, Wormhole Skirmish
Context. Mystery still remains who MJD Lightning Nothing super exciting, but my first time flying Vargur. Vargurs are fine OK Pure chaos as it all developed within seconds. I was camping their static for 90 minutes whilst waiting a timer for fleet. 0 in structures. 90 mins later Tengu makes way from HS to their hole. I tackle it with Drekavac and some alt Sabres. Mass logins by them suddenly and my Drek and few other alts get sent to Jita real fast. I yolo Vargur in and ping boys. They drop even more. Shitfit Vargur lives. Timestamps: 00:00 Our Kronos explodes 00:55 Yolo 08:44 Comms in Russian post fight Shitty BRs: Bangers