ACCEPT Russian Roulette
Album: Russian Roulette Russian Roulette Lyrics I know you raped me And fucked my soul and life You screwed my brain And offered me a line You set my heart on fire To make me stick like glue You know I m coming Down to the point of fear You make me eat myself I scream I pain in vain To lose the last bit of identity And forget humanity That s what you like to do To treat a man like a pig And when I m dead and gone It s an award I ve won Do you think that pays Pays for my life Which I give now when I die Wargames killed in action Wargames for satisfaction Shanghaied killed in action Wargames For you it is so easy To erase my name You might have a celebration For the ones who died Charity in general Is tax deductible as well Ain t that exciting Ha ha ha, when everything is alright Do you think that pays Pays for my life Which I give now br, br,