Gift Printing Business ल गत Rs 30 हज र कम ई हर मह न Rs 90 हज र, Small Business Ideas
Title: Gift Printing Business लगत Rs 30 हजर कमई हर महन Rs 90 हजर, Small Business Ideas Sublimation printing business is fastest growing business in India. The profit margins range upto 300 per cent. The products are in high demand. Today, youth earn handsome money by printing mugs, tshirts, photoframes, mobile covers, cushions, key chains, bottles, cap printing and similar items ranging thousands in numbers. The gift is part of Indian lifestyle. Personalized gift culture is growing day by day whether it is birthday gift, diwali gift, wedding gift, valentine gift or corporate gifting. Sublimation printing is an easy job which does not require much of the specialized skills. Products can be sold online or offline or through social media, digital media or through platforms like amazon, flipkart, snapdeal etc. YouTube has also started Shopping feature