A Compilation Of Parodies In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 3 Episode 2 ( PART 2, 2)
Take back the Crystal Empire. List of parodies, references, nonsense below (SPOILER FOR FIRSTTIME VIEWS): 0:02 Borderlands 2 0:13 Dear Sister 0:36 Sexy And I Know It 1:26 Sweet Bro Hella Jeff 1:29 Trollface 1:48 Borderlands 2 1:57 Untitled 2:00 River Flows In You 2:04 Borderlands 2 2:28 Oh God, Oh Man 2:33 Epic Sax Guy 2:41 Team Fortress 2, Bangarang 2:56 River Flows In You 3:08 Left 4 Dead 2 3:08 Hungry And I Know It 3:28