1776 Molasses To Rum
1776(1972) set to Sherman Edwards Molasses To Rum performed by John Cullum It is fairly safe to say that Molasses To Rum is one of the only songs ever written about the triangle powerful song not only delves into the horrors of the slave trade but also addresses the hypocrisy of the Northern colonies by calling attention to their participation in slavery. Lyrics: Our northern brethren feeling a bit tender toward our slaves. They don t keep slaves Oh, no. But they re willing to be considerable carriers of slaves to others Oh they re willing for the shilling Or havent you heard Mr Adams Clink Clink, Molasses to Rum to Slaves Oh, what a beautiful waltz You dance with us, we dance with you In Molasses and Run and Slaves Who sail the ships out of Boston Laden with Bibles and Rum Who drinks a toast To the Ivory Coast Hail Africa, the slavers have come New England with Bibles and rum And it s off with the Rum and the Bibles Take on the Slaves, Clink Clink Then hail and farewell to the smell