大阪伊丹空港夜景 Japan Night View of Osaka Intl Airport 千里川 飛行機離着陸と滑走路灯 Plane landing Take off Run
大阪国際空港 千里川 滑走路夜景 飛行機離着陸, Airplane Take off and Landing video from Senri river bank at Osaka International Airport(Itami Airport) in Japan. The Senri River bank, famous as a photograpy spots for airliners, is located at the end of the 32L runway at Osaka Itami Airport. It is known as an airplane viewing spot where an airplane passes overhead over low altitude flight. In the evening, runway lights that glitter like Christmas lights and the night view of Takarazuka city are very beautiful. This video is shot by Sony Mirrorless Single Lens Reflex Camera Sony a7S, it is amazing at the performance of full size Cmos sensor specialized for high sensitivity. 大阪伊丹空港 千里川土手からの夜景と飛行機離陸着陸動画で, 1