Picette The Things They Do (1948 1949)
Associated British Pathe Picette THE THINGS THEY DO. Compilation of quirky stories, probably for younger audiences (stories all originally from New Pictorials). Knifethrower Martin Collins flings knives at his wife, Elizabeth on stage of Hackney Empire theatre. Shot in slowmotion, with the knives coming right towards us. Elizabeth then puts on a safety mask and climbs onto a wheel, spinning round while Martin, balanced on a tightrope, throws knives at her (they don t make entertainment like this any more ). Shot taken from the spinning wheel of the man on the tightrope. (From NP 236. ) 01:50:46. In a circus show ground ( ), stunt highdiver Roy Fransen takes off his robe and, clad in just trunks, starts to climb up a 75 foot scaffold tower. At the top, Roy makes a spectacular dive into a tank of water. Children look on. Roy climbs the tower again and in slowmotion we see him dive from the top. Cameraman lying beside the tank gets soaked Another view of Roy making a dive. M,