Alice Phoebe Lou Open My Door (live)
Live session recorded at Risque Disque studio Song by Alice Phoebe Lou Daklis on the bass, Matt Roth on the drums, Ziv Yamin on the keys David Parry on the guitar, engineering, mixing mastering Lyrics: I used to open my door to pretty much anyone who was trying to look for a place to feel safe but I made my whole world safer for everyone but me so I took my bones and I called them my own and I found a place inside thats safe for me and now I wander the world alone but alive and smiling on the inside Im taking back all the pieces of me that were taken unwillingly Im offering myself up to the heavens Im ready to love what Ive been given Im getting back to my own rhythm it s such a new kind of living Im picking myself up off the carpet Im running my hands over my body Im back on land welcome to your life, Alice I used to open my door to pretty much anyone who was trying to look for a place to feel safe but I made my whole world safer for everyone but me