Noida Greater Noida Expressway
NoidaGreater Noida Expressway is a sixlane expressway connecting Noida, Uttar Pradesh, an industrial suburb of Delhi to Greater Noida, a new suburb. This expressway is under expansion to Taj Economic Zone, International Airport and Aviation Hub proposed to be constructed along the Yamuna Expressway (Taj Expressway). The expressway is km mi) long, built at a cost of 400 Crore to relieve the old DelhiAgra national highway (NH2) which was already congested and ran through the heart of cities like Faridabad, Ballabhgarh and Palwal. Visit our website For business inquiries email me : आप सभ क बहत बहत धनयवद. . Thank you for your love , rslive, RSlive, irslive