Village Life in Afghanistan Video, A Womans Life Is Hard Work, Primitive Technology By Grandma
Village life in Afghanistan is a challenging yet rewarding experience. Villagers use primitive technology and have to do everything by hand to perform their daily routine in village life. It s a very different way of life, but it s also very fascinating. In the mountainous rural village of Bamyan, Afghanistan, women cooking traditional food and doing daily routines shouldertoshoulder with their families. See what life is like for women living in remote Afghanistan villages and take a virtual tour around a village home to discover how people live, cook, and eat traditional village food (Qurooti, Afghan bread pudding). Deep in the heart of the village, life is simple and primitive (as seen in this video). Afghan villagers have a traditional and hardworking rural life culture. The people live off goats, sheep, or cattle; they cannot afford cars, so most travel on foot for miles through harsh terrains just to get from place A B Their way of cooking and food is so simple B