Tora (lyrics) Sumit Goswami, Khatri, Deepesh Goyal, Speed Records Haryanavi
Tora (Lyrics) song is sung by Sumit Goswami, music has given by Khatri and lyrics of Tora song written by Sumit Goswami. The video is directed by Deepesh Goyal. Tora (lyrics) Sumit Goswami, Khatri, Deepesh Goyal, Speed Records Haryanavi, Official Tora song video : Subscribe speed Records Haryanavi: Song: Tora Singer(s):Sumit Goswami Musician(s):Khatri Starring: Sumit Goswami Director: Dee Label: Speed Records Tora lyrics Sumit Goswami Yaaran Ke Shonk Na Maade Maada Tera Yaar Na Yaaran Ke Shonk Na Maade Maada Tera Yaar Na Baat Chora Karta Face Pe Peethan Pe Waar Na Yaara Ke Shonk Na Maade Maada Tera Yaar Na Aakhar Se Chora Solid Se Yaar Dhakad Se Tora Niche Se Thar Hath Desi Kata Karay Aar Paar Yaar Saare Asli Chale Sarkar Yaara Ke Shammi Tik Ja Banya Hathyar Na Yaara Ke Shonk Na Maade Maada Tera Y