STL thumbnails and other 3 D printing computer optimisations
Check out my 2nd channel, TT Racing: Viewers have been asking me how to get STL files to display a preview thumbnail rather than a generic icon. In this video, we cover that as well as another piece of software which is ideal for previewing STLs files. All software in this guide is free and easy to use. If you have similar suggestions for Mac and, or Linux, please post them in the comments. 0:00 Introduction 0:38 Pinned folders for easy access to files 1:41 STL Thumbnails Papas best STL thumbnails: 3:29 STL viewer Papas best STL Viewer: 6:09 Customisation 6:44 Troubleshooting 7:19 Conclusion Buy quality and affordable filament from X3D. Buy 3, get 1 free and a free sample pack with every order: Get Quality Resins from 3D Printers Online. 5 off storewide for Teaching Tech subscribers Code: tech5 Take a look around and if you like what you see, please subscribe. Support me on Patreon: