Bridge collapse in the Philippines Footage from the scene from local residents
Overview of weather and natural events around the World. What is happening in this world: natural disasters on the planet of Earth. The latest news about weather events and disasters. The collapse of the Clarin Bridge occurred in the Philippines, in the province of Bohol, Loay municipality. Local authorities launched an official investigation into this incident. According to preliminary data, the bridge could not support the weight of vehicles due to heavy traffic. As a result of the collapse, several vehicles were in the water, others hung on the edge of the bridge in an unstable position. Rescue services are working on the spot, eliminating the consequences of the disaster and police officers. On the video you can see footage of this bridge the day before the collapse and immediately after. According to press reports, the construction of the new bridge was supposed to be completed in July 2022. Construction was started due to the everincreasing traffic flow and the inability of the old brid