Miles Teller on Top Gun: Maverick and Tom Cruise s Work Ethic
With director Joseph Kosinskis Top Gun: Maverick opening in theaters on May 27, I recently got to speak with Miles Teller about playing Lt. Bradley Rooster Bradshaw, Goose s (Anthony Edwards) son. During the interview, Teller talks about Tom Cruises incredible work ethic, how they all trained like him for the film, his reaction when he found out they would be filming a shirtless beach scene like the original movie, and what its been like waiting for the film to come out. I saw Top Gun: Maverick at CinemaCon and its one of those rare Hollywood blockbusters that nails every aspect of moviemaking. The performances are fantastic, the action sequences are incredible, and it actually makes the original film better with the way it adds to Mavericks story. Walking around the con after the screening, Top Gun: Maverick was the only thing everyone was talking about and all I heard were raves from attendees and journalists. For more on the film you can read Ross glowing review. To