SER vs ESTAR in the PAST tense in Spanish, SER vs ESTAR in Imperfecto or Pretérito or Indefinido
The difference between SER and ESTAR and between the preterite and the imperfect are difficult enough separately Today, I ll show you the difference between Ser vs Estar in the Preterite vs the Imperfect in Spanish lots of examples. Have we met I m Brenda Romaniello, your online Spanish teacher and today we ll learn when to use Ser or Estar in both simple past tenses in Spanish. This lesson is in Spanish and also has English explanations. For the Spanish only version of this lesson click here: You might also want to watch my Past Tense in Spanish Playlist: Check out our FREE training: How to Speak Spanish with More Confidence and get our eBook with 200 of the most used verbs in Spanish here: Join my program: The Spanish Fluency Club My goal is to improve your Spanish and help you