Over the Meadow Lesson 1 Intro to Freezer Paper and Needle Turn Applique
This is a free series Sign up to watch the entire series for free at All but one of the blocks in the Over the Meadow and Through the Year Block of the Month quilt have a curved ground section either grass or snow, the one exception being ocean and six of the twelve blocks have scallops along their outer edges. Learn how to create the ground sections and scallops, learn how to use freezer paper for easier appliqueing, and learn how to do the needleturn hand applique technique. Not sure how to make the rest of the block Lessson 3 will teach how to applique the stems, leaves, and tulip flowers, parts of which are included in nine of the blocks, including Block 1. Lesson 4 will teach how to applique multilayered figures like the rabbit included in Block 1. Lesson 5 will teach inside and outside points using stars, which also apply to the heart included in Block 1.