Learn how to make poolish croissant, double fermentation, 47 hydration recipe
Hi friends :) The poolish, sourdough croissant recipe is finally here, Against all odds After many experiments, I settled on the 15 poolish version, I think this recipe has just the right amount of preferments to achieve that sensational flavor without being too tangy. 532 lamination system is also introduced in the video, featuring an English lockin, a single fold, and a 2 fold. It actually creates the same number of layers as 343 This is a threeday process, takes a little more time and patience, but they re really worth it. ,croissants , Poolish , sourdoughcroissant Follow me on Instagram You can send me pictures or ask questions. I check em every day Poolish (day 1): 75g Water 75g Bread flour protein) 1g fresh instant dry Croissant dough (day 2): 425g Bread flour protein) 160g Water 55g Brown sugar 10g Salt 40g Butter 24g