Riot Brides Freakshow
Bio by She Rox All Female Bands: The Riot Brides who hail from Los Angeles, California began in 2009 by former Slunt front woman and Guitarist Abby Gennet, who along with Ratt front man Stephen Pearcy had an idea to create an all female hard rock band reminiscent of the late 1980 s famed Sunset Strip bands. Riot Bride was far from a Runawaysesque controlled idea, and Pearcy was far from a tyrannical leader, only supporting to help launch the band by releasing their Ep through his own label, the band itself quickly gained their own following not only for their sheer talent, but their stage persona that indeed paid homage to the Sunset Strip era. Loud, raunchy, brash and high rock energy that coincided with bands like Betty Blowtorch. Riot Brides lasted several years before calling it a day and the members moving on to other projects, but the Riot Brides, still even after ending, are going to be one of those bands that is still sought after and a band that ended to soon. Gabriella DeMarco DeaconVocals,