Kevin Mac Leod: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys 1 HOUR
Monkeys Spinning Monkeys 1 HOUR by Kevin MacLeod LOOP Music by Kevin MacLeod, , Video by CreativeMusic MACLEOD S DESCRIPTION OF THIS SONG Genre: Soundtrack Collection: Comedic Time: 2:05 144 BPM (Allegro Pretty Fast) Instruments: Flutes, Violin, Viola, Cello Tags: Bouncy, Bright, Humorous, Uplifting Loopable happy light fluffy piece with bright flutes and a bunch of pizzicato strings. You can download an uncompressed WAV format of this piece here (in a lot of tempos) CREDIT and USAGE Title: Monkeys Spinning Monkeys 1 HOUR Music: Kevin MacLeod License: CC BY 3. 0 Download: ISRC: USUAN1400011 2014 Kevin MacLeod 1 HOUR LOOP OF Monkeys Spinning Monkeys BY K. MACLEOD