Official Video: Wildeornes Mouth of the River
Track 1 from the new Wildeornes album the Earth, Under the Due 30 April 2023. , blackdoomheavymetal WARNING: flashing, strobelike images Mixed by Wildeornes and Dav Byrne. Mastered by Dav Byrne at Iridium Audio. Press contact: BlackRoos Entertainment Michael Lueders Mobile: +61 40 666 76 55 Email: Mixing blast beats, growling and melodic vocals, stomping mid pace classic metal riffs, and epic song structures, the Earth, Under the is a double concept album. Tracks 15 are new, and tracks 69 are reworked songs from the 2021 album Gæð wyrd a swa hio The two albums form a conceptual whole that continues the bands lyrical exploration of eastern and western existential philosophy, deep ecology, and Celtic, Anglo Saxon, and Norse mythologies. the Earth, Under the was written, recorded, mixed, and mast