TOP 7: Best Blu Ray Player of 2020 1. Panasonic DPUB9000 2. Pioneer UDPLX500 3. Sony UBPX800 4. Sony UBPX700 5. Sony UBPX1000ES 6. Panasonic DMPBDT460 7. Xbox One X Although DVD players are slowly becoming a part of history, Bluray players are still holding their ground, refusing to give up. They continually introduce the new features and improvements and deliver an overall positive user experience, which makes them even worth buying. Of course, finding the best Bluray player isnt that easy. Xbox One X: Experience a true 4K and HDR gaming action with the Microsoft Xbox One X Gaming Console. With 6 Teraflops of graphical power and 12GB of GDDR5 VRAM, the Xbox One X can play games with primary 4K resolution running at up to 60 frames per second. It also supports AMD FreeSync, when matched