크래비티 CRAVITY, 데이즈돌
UP BY SATELLITE 하늘을 뚫고 위성의 높이로 향하는 크래비티. 중력을 거슬러 새롭게 도약한다. Cravity pierces the sky and heads to the height of the satellite. A new leap against gravity. Editor Lim Chaewon Fashion Park Kiho, Lee Seungyeon, Keita Sasaki Photography Park Jawook Film Lextreme (Han Daehee, Park Hanjoon) Hair Park Okjae, Kim Hyangmi at Rue710 Makeup Heo Hongjoo, Jung Hyojung at Rue710 , 크래비티, CRAVITY 더 많은 화보와 기사는 데이즈드 9월호에서 만나볼 수 있습니다. Check out more of our editorials and articles in DAZED KOREA September print issue.