Bringing Warhammer Fantasy Back From the Dead , My Classic Vampire Counts Army
Try Nord VPN : There is a 30 day money back guarantee, give it a shot. In this video Im dusting off some old minis to build a massive Vampire counts army, and bringing it up to standard for a huge showdown. Ive been challenged to a giant 3000 point Warhammer battle at Adepticon this year by my friend Trent, who many of you may know from the Miscast channel. Its gonna be awesome. MERCH: Buy the new Spectral Tower Tee : PATREON: Send me a message for inquiries about promotions or commissions: EMAIL INSTAGRAM: ericshobbyworkshop MATERIALS Paasche Airbrush Paasche Airbrush Compressor Easycast Epoxy Resin Mod Podge Gloss Proxxon Hot Wire Foam Cutter: Gorilla Glue Construction Adhesive: Caulking Gun (for Gorilla Glue Construction Adhesive): Hot glue gun Utility Knife Craft Paint