How Do Oil Pumpjacks Work
Thanks for watching This video takes a look at pumpjacks, colloquially referred to as Oil Derricks and oil horses. Oil derricks themselves are the hoisting structure used for drilling. After the oil well is tapped, then these pump jacks are used to extract the oil. For anyone who has ever driven through the southern United States or other oilrich areas, you likely are familiar with the sight of oil derricks. Thesemetal moving hammerlike structureswork to extract oil from underground often in the middle of nowhere. All this probably leaves you wondering, howdo they actually work and what happens to the oil once it s taken from below ground Called pumpjacks, oil horses, oil derricks, these large metal structures are crucial to supplying the US and ultimately the world with its oil needs. They function as traditionalsucker rod pumps, known more technically as reciprocating piston pumps, and are made up of 5 parts: the prime mover, the crank, the samsonposts, the walking beam, a