Internal Movement: Between Two Points The Glitch Mob
This is one of my contest entries for the INTERNAL MOVEMENT CONTEST. . The clips are all mostly from 2010 trailers and this was originally meant to be part of a 2010 tribute, but I decided to drop that and just use this video for the IMC and focus on a 2011 tribute video instead. The song I used is Between Two Points by The Glitch Mob from the album Drink The Sea. . Clips from Avatar remain courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox TM Copyright 2009. Clips from Black Swan remain courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures TM Copyright 2010. Clips from The Fountain and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 remain courtesy of Warner Bros Entertainment Inc TM Copyright 2006, 2010. Thank you for watching Follow Me on Twitter Check out my blog